Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Trip -- Part 1

This is the first part of a photo story featuring my dolls as themselves as they take a trip to Disneyland. I didn't actually take my dolls with me, but I thought it would be fun to incorporate pictures of them with pictures I took while at the park. I had a lot of fun writing and taking pictures for the story and I hope you enjoy!

Without further ado...


Brooke heaved the suitcase onto the bed.
            Maggie asked, “What will we need to pack?”
            “Mostly clothes and I’ll take the camera.”

            Maggie began pulling clothes out of the dresser drawers.  “Pants or shorts?” She held up a pair of each.

            “Shorts, but maybe one pair of pants. It will probably be warm,” Brooke took the shorts from Maggie. She laid them in the suitcase.

            Beth appeared in the doorway. “How’s packing going?”

            Maggie’s arms were loaded with t-shirts and shorts, “Great!”

            Brooke helped Maggie and asked Beth, “How about you?"
            “I’m almost done. I’m so excited! I can’t believe we are going to Disneyland!”

            Maggie shouted, “Yay!”


Hope you like it so far!