Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Gladiator Sandals (and Photoshoot!)

Recently, Pixie Faire Freebie Friday pattern was the Gladiator Sandals.  I downloaded the pattern to save until I wanted to use it.  I was looking at this photoshoot on American Girl Place, and I noticed the doll was wearing super cute shoes!  Suddenly I thought "I have a pattern for shoes almost just like those!" and quickly printed the pattern.

And so I made these black sandals!  I made them black because I wanted them to be versatile, and my dolls don't have any all black casual shoes.  They were fairly easy to make (cutting out the pieces to longer than assembling them).

Although the pattern calls for two straps to go through each slit on the center piece, the 2mm craft foam I used was too thick for more than one strap. 

The only problem is the strap around the ankle is a little short and I have to stretch the craft foam.  I eliminated this problem by making the Velcro strips shorter and making the ankle strap a teeny bit longer on my next pair!  Shortly after finishing the black pair, I made one in royal blue.  This time I made the slight adjustments that I realized needed to be made the first go around.  They turned out great except the heel piece on the left shoe is a little odd.  I think it's because I used a different sole pattern that had a slightly larger heel, but that's okay. 

My dolls will definitely be wearing these shoes a lot the rest of the summer, and I am eager to make them in even more colors!

Here is the rest of the photoshoot :)






  1. Just have to say that I think both pair turned out great, I downloaded this pattern when it was free too, but have yet to try it!
